Late night gear check for wedding tomorrow

So, it’s just past midnight, I am gonna go walk the dog but before I do I am getting my gear in check for tomorrow’s wedding with Frame of Mind.  I have an 8:45am start time, so I have already gassed up the van, loaded the real big stuff (my lights, stands, tripod, weights etc), and am putting together my camera gear.  So let’s run down the list:

Canon 7D

24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 11-16 f2.8

Zacuto EVF (AMAZING!!!) w/ z-finder

Rode Video mic pro

4x 32GB CF Cards

Matte box w/ 4×4 filters

Beachtek audio adapter

D|Focus follow focus system

Glidecam 2000

Uno Slider (tell you about this later)

tripod, lights (some arris, totas and no-namers)


in addition to this I’m packing extra shirt for the evening and shaving kit w/ all the “make yourself smell good after a long day of shooting” stuff (for the reception).

There are some other small yet key items in my arsenal like the light remotes that are often taken for granted but missed when not used.  My kit really has been tailored over the years and I’ll let you in on what’s in it sometime.

I’ll post about the day sometime over the weekend and hopefully some clips.  We’re doing a SDE tomorrow.  I’m not editing, that’ll be Jeremy, but I am shooting video to be used in it, so stay tuned!